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Welcome to our COVID-19 page. Below you will find several links but most importantly is the one just below this paragraph that offers our new FREE ebook: Chinese Medicine and COVID-19: Results and Reflections from China. Click on the link below to download it.

If you feel inclined to support this work with a financial contribution, thank you. This is not required but we do appreciate those who has suggested we post this link. Thank you in advance.

These formulas were translated as a public service to Chinese medicine practitioners and other interested parties in an effort to relief the suffering of those suffering from CoVid-19. Passiflora Press does not take responsibility of any use of this information. It is meant for application by professionally trained and licensed practitioners.
Formulas from Hubei (the province where Wuhan is located) and the Wuhan formulas were translated by Thomas Avery Garran. Formulas from Guangdong were translated by Shelley Ochs, PhD. Both are seasoned professionals of Chinese medicine with a combined experience of over 50 years, they both live in Beijing, China.

Hubei Formulas
Wuhan 8 Feb
Guangdong formulas

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